Sunday 23 September 2012

Québec, Québec! and more

Hello again, it's been quite some time since I've updated (Almost 2 weeks!). Things are going great, I am having an awesome time and learning a whole lot about the travelling experience. Since my last post I have been all over Québec. Last you heard, I was in Montréal, then Sean and I headed to Québec city, then Saguenay, 3 hours north of Québec city. After one night in Saguenay I decided that I needed to travel on my own for a while and headed back to Montréal. Sean stayed in Saguenay with our friend Gui and thankfully, Kylie allowed me to stay with her for the week in Montréal. It's been great here so far. I now have a feeling of what's it's like to live in this city since I've been here for more than 2 weeks in total already. It really is an awesome place to be. Great people, great public transportation, lots of cool local shops and interesting things to see around every corner. The last couple days there was a movie being filmed right outside Kylie's apartment. Very cool to have a behind the scenes look at a movie being made right from the living room window. We found out that it was for a movie called Red 2 with Bruce Willis, and right as we figured this out, I looked out the window and definitely saw him walk by!

It started with a warning being posted on the apartment door notifying the residence of controlled explosions that would take place during the weekend. Then on Friday a crew showed up to build a large structure in the parking lot, which was followed by countless trailers and a green screen. This is really the only picture that I got since there were trees blocking our view.

While I was in QC, I stayed with my friend Francis. I met him at Festival du Voyageur last winter when he was volunteering there through Katimavik. He stayed at my place for one weekend and was happy to return the favor while we were in Québec. As a student living in a dorm he didn't have a lot to offer, but we were happy to have a place to lay down our heads for a couple nights. 

Here's where we slept.
 My bed is where Francis is standing. 
Sean slept where he is lying.
Francis was in the bed just out of the shot on the right side.

The last picture that I want to share is what my future dog will look like. I have been looking at different breeds and decided in the summer that a Husky/Lab would be really cool. It just so happened that Gui's roommate JM had a Husky/Lab that was 4 months old. Her name is Maggie.

I have two more days in Montréal, then it's off to Toronto to hop on our plane to France. Sean's coming back to Montréal tomorrow and I'm interested in hearing how his week was with Gui. I won't have time to write an update until I'm in France, but, once we get there, I'm definitely going to have lots of stories and pictures to share.

Thanks again to everyone so far who has let us stay a night, or crash for the whole week. This trip wouldn't have been the same without your hospitality.

Until France,


1 comment:

  1. Neat shot of the green screen outside of the apartment! Film sets are so cool! I'm dying to work in film here in Winnipeg next summer.
    And that dog is *adorable*!! I can see why you want one!
    Take care! Can't wait to hear about your leap across the pond! :)
